New Year’s magic at the office
11.Jan 2023

New Year’s magic at the office

“What the New Year brings to you depends a good deal on what you bring to the New Year.”

The New Year's magic at the Nearshore GM offices has kicked off with a monthly challenge. In December, we were particularly creative and decided to write a song called December at my HUB. Each of us wrote a new verse each day referring to the many spontaneous or planned, fun events. We reminded each other which turn it was and had a lot of fun while waiting for new verses. A real work of art has been created that we are very proud of because it will preserve all the common, exciting situations that happened in 2022. On this occasion, few of us realized that they have a special skill in rhyming and writing, so in 2023 we will certainly have a lot of written creative challenges.

New Year’s magic at the office

We are guided by the idea that no Christmas tree is small, each one has New Year's magic in it, and ours is especially dear to us because it is decorated with joint effort. One December afternoon, Christmas cookies, chatting and having fun, and our Christmas tree began its daily sparkle in December.

New Year’s magic at the officeNew Year’s magic at the officeNew Year’s magic at the office

In December, colleagues Milan and Suzana celebrated their working anniversaries and we are very glad that they have been with us for so long. Milan started working as a programmer at the very beginning of the company's work, and the ideas he has for gatherings, the monthly challenges he proposes and the interesting facts he shares with us daily make our everyday life at the office very interesting and different. We are looking forward to the anniversaries that are coming next year and we hope that all the next ones will be as sweet as these.

New Year’s magic at the officeNew Year’s magic at the office

What made December special was our new employee of the month, Boris. Because of all the socializing initiatives he showed in the previous month, support in his work, and especially because of his selfless sharing with us not only of knowledge related to programming, but also knowledge of plants, Boris was awarded this nice merit. Since he joined our team, we have all become much more interested in planting and caring for flowers and thanks to him we had last month's planting challenge, where even a few lemons sprouted and now adorn our office.

New Year’s magic at the office

Probably the most fun event of the past month was the traditional Secret Santa. This small event is not so important to us because of the gift, but because of the special attention given to each gift purchased. Books, schools, New Year's decorations and clothes, brain teasers say a lot about how well we know each other and how much teamwork and daily socializing contribute to that. We spent good part of the day solving brain teasers that colleagues had as their present.

New Year’s magic at the officeNew Year’s magic at the officeNew Year’s magic at the officeNew Year’s magic at the office

We wish everyone success and happiness in 2023. We welcome the new year with great wishes for new triumphs and improvement for all people.

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